"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines.

Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain

New York City: Student Writing

>> Sunday, May 15, 2011

New York City


As we move more slowly through the channel, we enter in the sight of the Statue of Liberty. Her mass, the emerald color seeps into the curious eyes of the students crowded around the bow of Gamage. She symbolizes freedom, patriotism, and America. As one who has not experienced her presence before, there’s not better way to have out first encounter. With all out sails set, our mass appears to contest with the size of the buildings and the Statue of Liberty.


New York is bigger and better every time I go. This time I was with a very different group of people and in a foreign circumstance than all the other times. IT was strange to have a time limit on NYC. Usually I get a small amount of input as to what we are going to take part in. This time I was just along for the ride. I let my group of fifteen students and three educators sweep me though the streets, carry me up and down escalators, and transport me to subway seats. The grime of the streets adds to the beauty of the concrete and glass city. New York City, town of bright inspiring lights.


I’ve come to realize how little time we have left on the boat. Time has become weird to me, minutes seem like hours and hours seem like seconds. These two last weeks are going to pass by incredibly fast. With out even noticing I’m going to be back home. The friendships that I’ve made here are going to last forever. I’ve met friends that I love for who they really are. Here we see people at their best and their worst. I have a lot of good memories to take home with me after the trip. New York was awesome; I wish we could have stayed longer. The streets inspired me and made me feel brand new. I loved spending time in the city. After spending three months in little towns in the Caribbean it was almost like a cultural shock.


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