"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines.

Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain

Captain`s Log Archive

>> Tuesday, March 10, 2009

February 25, 2009 Chaguaramas, Trinidad

The last 2 weeks have been full of great events. Our first fish of the trip, a big eye tuna, was caught and while we were filleting the fish Robin (the science teacher) did an impromptu Ichthyology class. This fish was rather small so it was enjoyed by all hands as sashimi i.e. raw. Much to my surprise the students, who normally shy away from such things, were the primary consumers. If you have never been fortunate enough to enjoy fresh caught tuna with soy sauce and wasabi trust me when I say it is truly one of life’s great pleasures!
In other events the students were off exploring Dominica’s natural wonders and had a rare glimpse into Carib Indian culture with a trip to the Carib territory to spend some time with Carib dugout canoe builders. These men are not building canoes for show they build these seaworthy craft for working fishermen.
We stayed in the lee of the Windward Islands for the passage south to Trinidad giving us a comfortable ride, but hove to in the lee of Grenada in order to tuck a reef in the Mainsail which was a good thing too because as usual the Atlantic Ocean was waiting for us with strong winds and a big sea running. The students all took in stride like the true seafarers they are becoming.
Trinidad saw the students off again to see some of nature’s beauty and spend time exploring the north coast. Carnival was in full swing as the largest celebration in the islands students saw and participated in a parade full of dancing and music and incredible costumes. The locals were very welcoming and encouraged the students to join in.
Also we all ate heartily at local food stands enjoying “doubles” and “Roti” both Trinidadian favorites.
Students are really enjoying the trip now and the refrain of “ this is the best thing I’ve ever done!” is heard after every new experience, new people met, new foods tried, every challenge or sight.
Next we are bound for Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic one of the oldest cities in the new world. This passage is important because it will be one of the longest we do for the whole trip making it the perfect time for students to test out all they have learned. I’m confident they will rise to the occasion and surprise me yet again

Fair winds! Captain Flansburg


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