"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines.

Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain


>> Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Our passage to Sandy Hook from Charleston was twice as long as expected in difficult weather. While many seemed to flourish in the challenge and opportunity for more sailing, some of us were wet and miserable and willing to take our chances racing old Gamage by jumping over the rail and swimming to  our destination. Two particular mornings stand out due to a thick blanket of fog that covered the ship and hid all potential beauty and danger from our view. We sailed on, blasting the fog horn every two minutes. The second morning looked to be just as dreary as the first, though as we were preparing for class, there was a commotion on deck. If you are looking out from a high elevation at your shadow over the sea, something about the light and water particles work together to make it appear as if your shadow is surrounded by a rainbow. Captain explained this to us in his own way.
"Quick! Grab your harness and get aloft to look at it (Glory) before it's too late."
Before you could say something silly like "Bob's your uncle," half the student body was either climbing the shrouds or laying out into the head rig in order to see what was going on. By this point, the morning sun was starting to burn away the mist (hence Captain's detailed description and languid air) leaving the sky robin egg blue with the sun on our shoulders. The wind was brisk, but just enough to feed you exhilaration throughout your body. It is the type of wind you see in Hollywood movies, when you know great things are happening. Looking around from the cross trees the sea was the perfect color and low and behold, there was my shadow surrounded by a perfect rainbow. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and the best thing about it was that everything about it was so pure. The moment was created by the wind, sun, the ocean blue and the will power to climb to the top of a dancing ship. You didn't need any extra batteries for anything or any of the technology garbage we all get caught up in at home. It felt good for the soul. Sadly, class was still a priority and eventually we were called down from the sky. That moment remains one of my favorites from the entire trip. Now you know the real story: every cloud has a rainbow lining.

Mom and Dad, I miss you and can't wait to see you in Portland!

Teagan White


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